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Program Outcomes-Arts Stream:

The Bachelor of Arts requires three years of full time study consisting of six semesters. The college offers 7 honours program- Assamese, Economics, Education, English, Geography, History and Political Science. The outcomes of these programs are to prepare students with sound knowledge and skills across different disciplines and socio-cultural boundaries. The program will enable students to critically analyze various information’s relating to the subjects. The program will inculcate sound ethical behavior with positive learning outcomes.

Program Specific outcomes:

  1. Assamese:

The program will increase critical attitude on literary studies and developing language. The program will enable students to understand the Assamese culture and diversity. The program will inculcate the learners with the knowledge of linguistic and history of Assamese language. The subject encompasses archaeology, agriculture, tourism, folklore and indigenous costumes. The program will enhance communicative and creative writing skills of the learners. Besides the program will through an insight on legendary Assamese poets and their contribution in transformation in Assamese society.

  1. Economics:

The program will enable the learner to understand the basic concepts of economics and its application. The subject will enhance knowledge pertaining to different economic policies, economic variables, statistical and mathematical models for their practical applications. The program will increase the proficiencies of the learners for professional works in business, banking, management and administration..

  1. Education:

The program encompasses different perspectives of teaching, psychology and allied aspects. The course acquaints the students with the preparation and implementation of teaching methodologies. It also enhances the knowledge and understanding pertaining to social-cultural aspects

  1. English:

The program will familiarize students on English literatures, its theories and criticism, and allied concepts. It will enable learners to critically think and analyze cultural, historical and linguistic aspect of English literature.  The program will acquaint students with cultural heritage of Indian literature, European cultural literature, American and British literature. The program will give an insights on Indian writing in English, about European drama, British drama and contributions of renowned poets.  

       5. Geography:

The program encompasses human and economic geography, oceanography, geomorphology, world geography, environmental geography, cartography, statistic and planning. It will enable student to understand various aspects of natural science. The program will help students to implement their understanding on various data analysis including cartography and remote sensing. The economic geography will enhance their knowledge on sustainable use or natural resources for better future.   

        6. History:

The program will acquaints the learner in understanding the sources of History in varied forms, uses and analysis, growth of human civilizations, its basics and glimpses of Ancient world history. It deals with the state formation process, polity and society both in medieval world and in Indian context. The program will enable the students with the significant developments in the world and changing cultural scenario in India. This program will impart knowledge on the significant changes in the socio-political and economic life in the world and also the political contributions in India. This program will basically enhance the students with different school of thought which ushered the great revolutions in Europe and the beginning of Colonial dominion in India till its freedom. 

          7. Political Science:

The program will familiarizes the students with the different aspects of Indian politics and Government, public administration, Indian constitution and international relations. The program will help to critically think and analyze dynamics of Indian politics and contemporary political phenomenon. It will provide an insight on recent trends of India’s foreign policy. The program will acquaint students with concepts of human rights and different challenges. It will also enable learners to critically think on gender issues and formulation of policies to mitigate problems pertaining to women issues.

Course Structure for B.A. (Honours) Program:

In B.A. Program with honours, a student will have to complete 14 (fourteen) core papers in a Particular discipline, 3(three) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC), 2 (two) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) and 4(four) papers each from Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) and Generic Elective (GE) respectively. The details of courses offered are as follows-

(A) Core Courses:-

  1. Assamese
  2. Economics
  3. Education
  4. English
  5. Geography
  6. History
  7. Political Science
  8. Mathematics

(B) Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)

Ability Enhancement courses shall be of two kinds:

(i) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course and

(ii) Skill Enhancement Course.

(i) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC)

There will be three Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses, of which two will be in 1st Semester having 50 Marks in each course and one will be in the 2nd  Semester having 100 Marks.

The Ability Enhancement Courses are as follows-

1) AECC-1 : Communicative English (1st Sem)

2) AECC-2 : MIL/Alternative English (1st Sem)

3) AECC-3 : Environmental Science (2nd Sem)

(ii) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

As per Dibrugarh University CBCS Program the students of B.A. honours shall have to study two Skill Enhancement Courses, one in each 3rd  and 4th  semester respectively. The students shall have the freedom to choose any two courses from the list of the departmental syllabus concerned as prescribed by the university.

 (C) Elective Courses:

Elective courses are of two kinds:

(i) Intra-departmental, i.e., Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)

(ii) Inter-departmental, i.e, Generic Elective (GE)

(i) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) (Intra-departmental)

A student shall have to select two DSE courses each in 5th and 6th Semester respectively as specified by the college or department concerned, from among the courses offered by the university.

(ii) Generic Elective (GE) (Inter-departmental)

A student shall have to select only one GE course for 1st ,2nd ,3rd  and 4th  Semester respectively from the following elective courses:

  1. Elective Assamese
  2. Economics
  3. Education
  4. English
  5. Geography
  6. History
  7. Political Science
  8. Mathematics

Course Outcomes:

Click on the following departmental links to download the department wise syllabus and course outcomes across different programs.














Program Outcomes-Science  Stream:

The Bachelor of Science requires three years of full time study consisting of six semester. The college offers 5 honours program- Botany, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology. The outcomes of these programs is enable students to critically think and understand the respective subject and inculcating scientific temper.

Program Specific outcomes:

  1. Botany:

The main objective of the subject is to provide students a holistic understanding of the subject. The subject will enhance knowledge on Taxonomy, Physiology, Morphology, Anatomy, Reproduction, Ecology and Evolution of different plant species. Besides, the subject encompasses Microbiology, Pathology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics and Bioinstrumentation. It will also acquaint the students with the basic knowledge of tools and techniques in biological science. The practical and science projects will enhance knowledge in experimental skills for future research and allied applications.

  1. Chemistry:

The program will create interest on Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. These will enable the learners to acquire knowledge on concepts, techniques and facts. The program will enhance practical skills vis-à-vis theoretical aspects of different chemical phenomenon. The learners will be acquainted with instruments used in chemistry. The course will also develop the knowledge on different theoretical tools used for the study of chemistry.

  1. Mathematics:

The program will enhance knowledge on fundamental objects, techniques and theorems. The program will help the students to implement mathematical concepts in real life situations. The inclusion of computer programming and computer lab makes the students able to formulate programs for numerical evaluation of computational problems. They also become familiar with different mathematical software. The students are taught on the application of mathematical principles to the problems of financial mathematics and operation research. The course acquaints the students with the applications of mathematical principles to the problems of mechanics, space dynamics and relativity etc.

        4. Physics:

The program will develop the basic understanding on mathematical physics, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, solid state physics, atomic and nuclear physics, electronics etc. The program will help in developing scientific intuition and ability to solve scientific problems using theoretical or experimental concepts and techniques. The student will be acquainted with the general physics like laws of motion, sound waves, electrical current, circuits, nuclear physics etc. and mathematical techniques to solve physical phenomenon’s.  

         5. Zoology:

The program will familiarize the students with Animal classifications, Genetics, Biochemistry,, Biodiversity, Public Health and Hygiene, Animal physiology, Endocrinology, Apiculture  etc. the program will improve the knowledge and perceptions pertaining to animal behavior, its adaptations and evolutional aspects. The program will enhance technical skill in biological sciences with an opportunity for future research.

Course Structure of B.Sc. (Honours Programme):

In B.Sc. Programme with honours a student will have to complete 14(fourteen) core papers (honours) in a Particular discipline, 3(three) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC), 2 (two) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) and 4 (four) papers each from Discipline specific Elective (DSE) and Generic Elective (GE) respectively. The details of courses offered are as follows.

(A) Core Courses:-

  1. Botany
  2. Chemistry
  3. Mathematics
  4. Physics
  5. Zoology

(B) Ability Enhancement Courses (AEC)

Ability Enhancement courses shall be of two kinds:

(i) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course and

(ii) Skill Enhancement Course.

(i) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC)

There will be three Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses, of which two will be in 1st  Semester having 50 Marks in each course and one will be in the 2nd  Semester having 100 Marks.

The Ability Enhancement Courses are as follows :-

1) AECC-1 : Communicative English (1st Sem)

2) AECC-2 : MIL/Alternative English (1st Sem)

3) AECC-3 : Environmental Science (2nd Sem)

(ii) Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC)

As per Dibrugarh University CBCS Programme the students of B.A. honours shall have to study two Skill Enhancement Courses, one in each 3rd  and 4th  semester respectively. The students shall have the freedom to choose any two courses from the list of the departmental syllabus concerned as prescribed by the university.

(C) Elective Courses:

Elective courses are of two kinds:

(i) Intra-departmental, i.e., Discipline Specific Elective (DSE)

(ii) Inter-departmental, i.e, Generic Elective (GE)

(i) Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) (Intra-departmental)

A student shall have to select two DSE courses each in 5th  and 6th  Semester respectively as specified by the college or department concerned, from among the courses offered by the university.

(ii) Generic Elective (GE) (Inter-departmental)

A student shall have to select only one GE course each in 1st, 2nd ,3rd and 4th Semester respectively from the following elective courses –

  1. Botany
  2. Chemistry
  3. Mathematics
  4. Physics
  5. Zoology

Course Outcomes:

Click on the following departmental links to download the department wise syllabus and course outcomes across different programs.











Nanda Nath Saikia College
Dhodar Ali, Titabar-785630,
Assam, India
Tel: +91 (3771) 248446
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